How to Import and Export ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) Configuration to Another Server

ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF) is a popular security tool for Linux servers. Migrating its configuration from one server to another can save time and ensure consistency in your security settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to import and export CSF configuration.

Exporting CSF Configuration

  1. Access the Server via SSH:

    • Use an SSH client like PuTTY to connect to your server.
  2. Navigate to the CSF Directory:

    • The CSF configuration files are located in /etc/csf/. Navigate to this directory:
      cd /etc/csf/
  3. Create a Backup of the Configuration Files:

    • Use the tar command to create an archive of the CSF configuration files:
      tar cvfz csfbackup.tgz csf.conf csf.allow csf.deny csf.*ignore
    • This command creates a compressed file named csfbackup.tgz containing all the important CSF configuration files.
  4. Transfer the Backup File to the New Server:

    • Use scp (secure copy) to transfer the backup file to the new server:
      scp csfbackup.tgz user@newserver:/path/to/destination
    • Replace user with your username and newserver with the IP address or hostname of the new server.

Importing CSF Configuration

  1. Install CSF on the New Server:

    • Before importing the configuration, ensure that CSF is installed on the new server. Follow the installation instructions provided by ConfigServer.
  2. Transfer the Backup File to the CSF Directory:

    • Move the csfbackup.tgz file to the /etc/csf/ directory on the new server:
      mv /path/to/destination/csfbackup.tgz /etc/csf/
  3. Extract the Backup File:

    • Navigate to the CSF directory and extract the backup file:
      cd /etc/csf/
      tar xvfz csfbackup.tgz
  4. Set Correct Permissions:

    • Ensure that the ownership and permissions of the files are correct:
      chown root:root /etc/csf/*
      chmod 600 /etc/csf/*
  5. Restart CSF and LFD:

    • Restart the CSF and LFD services to apply the new configuration:
      csf -r
      service lfd restart


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