Depending on the requirement or the role of the server, below listed ports will be required


  1. HTTP - Port 80 This port is used for web traffic and is the default port for accessing cPanel/WHM via a web browser.

  2. HTTPS - Port 443 This port is used for secure web traffic and is the default port for accessing cPanel/WHM via a secure connection.

  3. SSH - Port 22 This port is used for secure shell access to the server.

  4. FTP - Port 21 This port is used for File Transfer Protocol (FTP) connections.

  5. FTPS - Port 990 This port is used for FTP over SSL/TLS connections.

  6. MySQL - Port 3306 This port is used for MySQL database connections.

  7. SMTP - Port 25 This port is used for outgoing mail.

  8. SMTPS - Port 465 This port is used for SMTP over SSL/TLS connections.

  9. POP3 - Port 110 This port is used for incoming mail.

  10. IMAP - Port 143 This port is used for incoming mail.

  11. WHM - Port 2086 This port is used for unencrypted web access to WHM.

  12. WHM (SSL) - Port 2087 This port is used for encrypted web access to WHM.

  13. cPanel - Port 2082 This port is used for unencrypted web access to cPanel.

  14. cPanel (SSL) - Port 2083 This port is used for encrypted web access to cPanel.

  15. Webmail - Port 2095 This port is used for unencrypted web access to the webmail interface.

  16. Webmail (SSL) - Port 2096 This port is used for encrypted web access to the webmail interface.

  17. DNS- Port 53 (TCP/UDP) Communication with root nameservers for AutoSSL. Other functions that require name resolution. Public DNS services.

For complete list of port requirement, please refer the cPanel official documentation.

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